Rapid Care Counselling: keeping mental health support barrier free

When you’re struggling with basic needs, mental health counselling is often low on the priority list. Keeping food on the table for you and your family and a roof over your head will always rise to the top. But counselling plays an important role in preventative mental health and CUPS is continuing to find ways to remove barriers and keep it accessible for those who need it most. 

Originally launched as a pilot in February 2021, the Rapid Care Counselling (RCC) program is a partnership between CUPS and Kindred (formerly Catholic Family Service), supported by the Calgary Homeless Foundation

The goal is to make it fast and easy for people to access counselling. It can be a single session or on-going support, it’s free of charge and clients don’t need ID to be able to access the service. 

Evolving the program to support demand

Originally designed to be available online through COVID and accessible at a number of different locations, the pilot project allowed CUPS and the other partners to streamline the program. 

In April 2022, the new version of the program was activated and focused more on in person services at placed-based housing sites. Counsellors now go to specific locations and buildings to provide counselling sessions for those who need it. In addition, there are walk-in slots and appointment options at SORCe (Safe Communities Opportunity and Resource Centre). 

While the locations may have shifted slightly, those receiving support haven’t. The RCC program focuses on those with lived homelessness experience or those who are at risk of homelessness, who are currently housed. 

The program also remains focused on flexibility. People can walk-in with no appointment, pre-book a single session or they can commit to ongoing counselling. It’s their choice. 

Between April and September 2022, the RCC team provided more than 100 single sessions and an additional 141 ongoing sessions. 

Walk-in sessions at SORCe

RCC walk-in sessions at SORCe are available during the week. The best times to access these appointments are Mondays 10:30 am to noon, Tuesdays 9 am to 12 pm and Wednesdays from 1 pm to 4 pm.

newsMelanie Nicholson