CUPS long-standing partnership with UCalgary provides pet clinics for clients

The relationship between a person and their pet is a special one. 

They provide companionship and love for many, but they can also play an essential role in the life of someone struggling to overcome trauma and build resilience. For many CUPS clients, having a pet gives them comfort and stability as they work to deal with life's challenges. 

CUPS has a longstanding partnership with the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UVCM) to provide free vet clinics to ensure client’s dogs and cats remain healthy and strong. 

A supportive companion

Pets play a profound role in supporting the health and wellness of CUPS clients. 

A study out of UCLA Health shows that the simple act of petting animals causes relaxation and interaction and promotes the release of serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin.  All of these hormones play a part in elevating a person’s mood. A pet also provides comfort, reduces loneliness and increases mental stimulation. 

In addition, there are often physical health benefits from having a pet. Everything from a lower blood pressure to improved cardiovascular health and reduced overall physical pain.

Pets with those experiencing homelessness

While many people have made assumptions about the care of animals owned by someone who is homeless, research out of the University of Guelph shows that these animals are very well-cared for.

It’s estimated that approximately 19 per cent of homeless individuals in Canada are pet owners. The study, led by Dr. David Pearl in U of G’s Department of Population Medicine between April 2018 and March 2020, found these pets were just as healthy as other populations of owned pets and even healthier in some cases.

Free pet clinics for CUPS clients

The CUPS/UCalgary pet clinics take place monthly at the VCA Western Veterinary Specialist and Emergency Centre. The next dates are February 6, March 13 and April 3.

Not only are these clinics helping keep the pets healthy, the University’s contribution is also a significant cost savings for CUPS clients. An average appointment could cost around $400 per pet.

And thanks to Purina, not only will the animals get a checkup, but they will be given some food to take with them when they leave. 

Limited spaces are available. For more information or to book an appointment for your pet, contact Shay at or call 403-875-5062.

newsMelanie Nicholson